Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Big Of Hypocrite Are You?

Hypocrite-"a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion" Wondering if you fit that definition?Ill answer that for you. I'm sure you have at one point or another. Question is how big of one are you, and how much of it are you in denial? I'm guilty of it myself to a certain degree. Difference is I know I am. For some though the portrayal of yourself you want seen. Is somehow suppose to be on your own scale of what you consider wrong. While you set in awe of yourself and depict the flaws of everyone else. Your few pitiful accomplishments in life are not enough for the homeless to be jealous of. While your judgemental attitude somehow gives you a sense a superiority. It only serves as comic material for the rest of the world to make a mockery out of you. Though to your disbelief you think of yourself to highly for anyone to do that. Anyone know that someone yet? See the difference I think is whether you know it or not. You should know your place in life. I know mine. I know I'm not well liked. Ive st rived most my life to accomplish this feat. I have a great respect for a few people in my life but for the most My hat does go off to the humble hard working consistent man or woman. Who minds his own business, and even when done wrong never sits in judgement of anyone. I know a lot of people who think this of themselves but no. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Your immediate circle of friends and family pumping you up to believe it doesn't count. They are of no significance other than your own little click. They probably hold no clout either. Are y'all starting to get someone in mind? Fact is they are probably your only strength. If ever face to face with whomever your problem Ly's with. Your cynical type of behavior would compel you to simply smile and pretend to be their best friend. Totally wrapped up in your scarred little strength in numbers world. As soon as they leave your return to the trash talking bashing them war returns. As you prepare yourself for Sunday morning service at your local gossip house you refer to as church. Don't get me wrong I'm not going against  the Lord or the church. Simply stating that your constant attendance doesn't constitute the right to set in place your own little set of rules. Then have them justified to yourself because you asked for forgiveness when in your heart you don't mean it. Or maybe not..maybe you don't even attend church and just have your own made up little standards of moral. Fact is we all know someone like this. I just wondered if there was anyone else who knows these people and feels the same. Like I said I'm guilty of it myself. But the degree and how we view ourselves and accomplishments is what makes the difference. No I'm far from perfect,and I know it. I also know that I'm far from a humble guy most the time. I'm not setting around pretending to be either. But if your genuine and making the honest effort..good for you. Don't half way do it do it. I wish you the best of luck. At the end of day we all put our pants on one leg at a time. Just my thoughts.Till next time stay musical my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the statement hard woking man or women who mind their own business. Enjoy reading ..Keep posting
