Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Art Of Loving Music And How You Relate

I think for each and every person music plays some sort of role in our lives. Whether your musically talented or just your grade A singing in the shower person. Whatever your preference ill bet you have some sort of emotional attachment to your favorite music. To me music makes up somewhat of who you are as a person. Because its what your feeling inside to me. Granted in today's age some people say they like a certain songs for just the beat. They don't even pay attention to the words. If that's what satisfies you well then more power to you. As for me I only like something if I can somewhat relate to it.Depending on whats going on in my life. I enjoy anything with a message to it. Now I do have certain root favorites that are what I grew up on sure. Country music growing up is what I heard the most. Its also what I learned to play first and started writing. As I was ignorant to the fact of all the other musics that were out there. Not to say country was all I heard but that was the dominant one. That was until I was on into my later teens. Then discovering southern rock,blues,etc. Yes rap, and pop were also in there. The two I stuck with most through the years were country and blues though I think. Why? Well I think cause 90% of the time they are the ones I can relate to the most. If you think about it I bet you have various loves for different kinds of music but you have that one favorite also. I'm sure it changes like mine to. Its funny how a little piece of music can bring out an emotion. Whether it be the words or guitar lick...maybe a fiddle whining? Whatever the case maybe you get the point. Or maybe the whole damn song just says what your thinking or want to say you just didn't know how to say it. That's what makes your favorite music or singer or band great to you. At any cost this the discussion of music and how it relates to people is always a interesting topic for me. I'd love to hear some of you thoughts, and input. Leave me a comment positive or negative that's what makes this America. Or if you have a certain topic of discussion or opinion on a personal matter. Whatever the case maybe let me know. I look forward to reading your feedback. Till next time stay musical

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